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Status Updates posted by gator

  1. It was great to see you again, thanks for coming to visit us in The Hammer! Cheers my friend!

  2. Hey Ben! Are you staying in Hamilton? Let me know if you are and want to meet for a pint otherwise I'll see you at The Capitol! Cheers!  carl

    1. Lord Bob

      Lord Bob

      I'm staying the night of the game in Hamilton and leaving at dawn Monday morning so I think it's Capitol.

  3. My one daughter actually lives right by the zoo near Aylesford, her husband is in the military, last name Green! I haven't been down there for a few years, hopefully this summer, it is beautiful country! Here's hoping Halifax gets a team, all the more reason to do road trips when Hamilton visits! 

    1. dyslexic nam

      dyslexic nam

      Oak Lawn Farms - have been there every year for about the last 5.  We have pics of our kids each year standing by the big Lion sign out front :)


      I am really hoping Halifax gets a team.  I would likely only get over for a game or two each season, but I would do what I could to support it.



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